There was a recent study on rats to determine what effects probiotics, the live bacteria and yeast found in your digestive system, had on mood. That's right, not on digestion, but on how it effects the brain. Scientists fed one group of rats high doses of probiotics for a couple weeks and a control group a low dose. After some time on the regimen, the rats were placed in a pool of water. The control rats would try to swim to get out, but after about 30 seconds of trying would give up and float in the pool. The rats given probiotics, however, would continue to swim... and swim... and swim...
The scientists found that the high doses of probiotics in the rats' systems assisted in the release of serotonin, a calming hormone in the body. The scientists hypothesized that due to the calming effect of the extra serotonin, the rats on probiotics were better able to cope and to continue looking for routes for a solution to their predicament.

However, I feel like the rats' reactions are a good allegory to life, too. When faced with a new and unexpected challenge, there are often multiple solutions. However daunting the task, however hopeless the odds, you must always keep swimming. Not taking action is still exercising a choice. In stories and fables, characters are often outlined as either good or evil. In reality, the obstacles we face are not always so cut and dry, and there will be many paths that are not necessarily considered bad and may even be widely acceptable. The challenge, as Dumbledore put it, lies in choosing between what is right and what is easy.
It's almost the end of the week, but keep trying and stay strong! Remember that it's all in your head. And until next time, keep it clean! :)