Everyone knows that living a healthy lifestyle is the backbone of living a long, healthy life. That being said, we all know that none of us want to take the time to do so! We want to enjoy our years now, and disregard what our body wants and needs in order to have fun now; and pay the price later. Personally, I have decided to take the time and make the required changes to living healthier and happier! I not only feel GREAT, but I have lost 20lbs in a matter of 6 weeks! Whats my secret? There isn't one! There is a large range of things that can be done to make your self a healthier, happier, you! Today, I want to share with you what I have discovered on my journey to a better me!

The next topic I would like to mention is the one everyone dreads: dieting. Now lets put a spin on this so that its not such a sore subject! I do not call how I live my life a 'diet', because diets are temporary, and are simply set up for failure. It is a proven fact that the majority of people who "diet" will lose weight, but gain it all back (and more!) when all is said and done. Get fit quick schemes are not the way to a better you! Everyone knows that fast food is bad for you, so I'm not going to waste time lecturing you on all of the terrible things that are out there; instead I'm just going to offer a few tips that have helped me along the way! The first corner stone is something my parents have been talking to me about for years, they refer to them as "push-aways". Meaning, push yourself away from the table! As terrible as it sounds, its a problem with all of us. Simply put: overeating. We eat when we are hungry, we eat when we are sad, we eat when we are mad, we eat when we are bored - stop it! Just stop, seriously! You could be cleaning, running errands, or even doing a crossword puzzle.. find other ways to occupy that time!
Second, if you think something is bad for you, that's probably because it is! We all have cravings, but I have found that when I have a craving, I simply eat whatever it is I was wanting. What I do differently: instead of eating a PINT of ice cream, I'll eat a cup of ice cream. Therefore, conquering my craving, but not totally ruining my day. Lastly, anything natural is great for you. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you need to eat nothing but raw organic super foods and never touch anything that has been processed or cooked.. because lets face it: that isn't something one can simply do. Healthy food is expensive, raw organic veggies..ick - I've said those things too! Let me tell you now, it is worth it. I still eat a bit of processed food, and I even eat meat and breads (my weakness) - but something as easy as substituting one meal a day with a salad, or decreasing the amount of calories your in taking, can make a world of difference!Adding in these super foods and raw organics will make a bigger difference than you can believe! Start small, a little/day, and slowly increase. You'll soon find yourself not even wanting the fatty foods you loved before (or at least i don't!)!

Find whatever it is that is holding you back from a better you, and conquer it! You are only as strong as you allow yourself to be! Make smart choices that effect the rest of your life, not today! Until next time, keep it clean! :)