Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Lots of rain the last couple of days! For the most part, lots of folks have been stuck indoors. I know I got to do some laundry last night (with my handy-dandy Azuma washer and dryer!!) and watched a movie.
Want a few ideas for things to do when it's raining outside? Give these a whirl"
  1. Take some pictures outdoors - I know, not exactly an indoors activity but there are some really beautiful things to take pictures of if you don't mind getting a little soggy.
  2. Catch up on some reading.
  3. MOVIE MARATHON!!! (One of my personal favorites!).
  4. Play board games.
  5. Bake something! Nothing like the smell of freshly baked cookies in your home to chase away the blues.
  6. Spend time on your hobbies.
  7. Clean out your closet or dresser drawers.
Those are just a few ideas. See what kind of rainy day fun you can come up with!

Until next time, keep it clean!

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