Friday, April 8, 2011


This is the time of year that makes us want to enjoy some sunshine and fresh air. It's all about getting out to smell the flowers, right? You pick that flower, bring it to your nose and then......AACCCCHOOOO!!!! I don't know about you but pollen and various allergens in the air can really put a damper on my outdoor activities. It starts with a nice, relaxing walk out on a trail and ends with itchy, water eyes and sneezing. Who wants to deal with that? According to the FDA, Spring is traditionally the main season when allergies blossom because of new growth on trees and weeds. But fall, with a whole different set of blooming plants as well as leaf mold, is a close second.
Here are a few ideas on how to curb your allergy issues:

  • Check the pollen count. Most local news stations will have pollen count information during their weather-cast. You can also visit to get the latest on the pollen count in your city. The website will even give you a 4 day forecast so you can plan your outdoor activities.
  • Keep your home clean. Regular dusting and vacuuming can greatly reduce the amount of dust and pollen in your home. Changing your air filter on a regular basis can also help to keep allergens from taking over your home. Keep your windows closed on days when the pollen counts are high (another good reason to check out your local newscast!). Wash your bed linens every couple of days to keep the allergens from effecting you during your sleep. And as nice as it is to hang laundry outside, avoid doing that on high pollen days. Stick to using your indoor dryer (perhaps your AZUMA Leasing dryer??).
  • Minimize your morning outdoor activities because this is when pollen counts are typically highest.
  • Wash your hands, change clothes and shower after outdoor activities to avoid bringing those allergens into your home. Don't forget to give your pets a wash if they have been outdoors, too. Pollen can collect on their fur and when they shake, all of those spores will go flying around your home!
  • Use a neti pot or saline spray to rinse out your nose after being outdoors. This is a simple, effective way to keep the allergens from taking over your nose.
  • Consider getting a HEPA air purifier to keep indoor allergens at bay.
  • And if things get REALLY bad, visit your doctor. A doctor can run a series of allergy tests on you to find out specifically what you are allergic to so that you can avoid it.
Hope these tips offer some relief if you are dealing with allergy issues during this time of year. Until next time, keep it clean!! No, really, keep it clean so it doesn't collect pollen and dust and you won't have to keep sneezing!

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