Thursday, March 25, 2010
March 20th marked the first day of SPRING! So many things come to mind when one thinks of spring: flowers blooming, trees getting a fresh crop of green leaves, warmer weather. One thing that also comes to mind is SPRING CLEANING. Need a washer and dryer to help with some of that cleaning? Call AZUMA Leasing at 800/707-1188 (or visit our hassle-free website - and get started on tackling all of your spring-time laundry. I don't know about you, but every spring I pull out all of my warmer weather clothes from storage and stick the winter stuff in it's place. Having a washer and dryer makes it so much easier to get that chore done (I mean - who wants to smell like stale clothing?).
Spring is a time of renewal and growth for all living things. It puts a spring (no pun intended!) in our steps and a smile on our faces. Springtime moves us back outdoors after being cooped up all winter. It's THE perfect time to get out and do some gardening (an organic veggie garden, perhaps?) or to take long walks in the park.
So, find some fun stuff to do and get out there! Enjoy the longer days and fabulous weather or take the time to renew yourself and your home by recycling or donating all of those unused items you have been keeping in your home so you can spring forward into the great season ahead.
Until next time folks, keep it clean!
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